Chromatrap® gDNA Removal Columns

SKU: 500338

Removal of Genomic DNA for High Quality Total RNA

Eliminating genomic DNA (gDNA) from cell lysates prior to RNA extraction increases the yield and purity of extracted total RNA. The Chromatrap® gDNA Removal Columns use a simple load and spin method to efficiently capture unwanted gDNA on the membrane allowing flowthrough of gDNA-free cell lysate for use with any suitable RNA extraction method.

  • 30 second, enzyme-free gDNA removal
  • Load and spin method for gDNA-free, total RNA
  • Highly specific gDNA removal. Save precious RNA sample
  • Ideal for DNA-sensitive applications


Genomic DNA Removal

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    Chromatrap® gDNA Removal Columns
    Product code: 500338

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