Microlute® CSi SCX Plate – 2mg, 10mg

The Microlute® technology features a robust porous plastic structure that contains chromatographically active media immobilised within uniformly distributed pores. This porous composite structure allows for greater control of flow when performing cleanup methods such as solid phase extraction (SPE). Controlled flow of samples through the active media maximises removal of contaminants and recovery of analytes with greater reproducibility. Microlute® gives you consistency and confidence in your sample preparation method each and every time.

  • Improved reproducibility of recovery
  • Uniform liquid flow through each well
  • Automation friendly

The Microlute® CSi range has been developed to allow easy transfer of silica SPE methods.

2mg bed weight – SSCX002P-001
10mg bed weight – SSCX010P-001

Microlute® CSi SCX

  • Strong cation exchange SPE plate
  • 96 well plate format
  • Negatively charged aromatic sulfonic acid functional group
  • Ideal for weak bases (pKa of <11)

Solid Phase Extraction



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